alien & sedition.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
  This Is Why Everyone Hates the MSM

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with these people? Bad enough we've had to be subjected to years of vacuous chatter about which presidential candidates people would enjoy having beers with (despite the fact that neither of our last two presidents have actually been beer-drinkers). Now ABC, in all its investigatory splendor, demands that the public discuss whether we'd rather go on a road trip with Hillary or with Giuliani.


For the record, neither. It would be weird and awkward and unpleasant to go on a road trip with either of them. I can't even imagine going on a road trip with Hillary Clinton or Rudy Giuliani. The hypothetical has no conceivable bearing on anything even approaching reality. You might as well ask whether I'd prefer Hillary or Rudy as a ham sandwich.

Yeah, I'm no fun. But really -- ugh.

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Jesus. I never thought ABC would stoop that low. Maybe CNN, but not ABC.

I wouldn't want to ride in a car with either of them.

Hillary would be talking the whole way about how great it is that in America we can chose to drive whatever kind of car we want to, and that this is a nice car, but that if someone else preferred a different car, that would be ok too, because America is so great that people can choose to vote for whatever kind of car they want, just like in the race for president!

And Rudy, after riding in the car for about 20 minutes, would claim that he was now an expert in automotive technology and was more qualified than anyone else to drive the car. And if I didn't hand him over the keys, the terrorists would win.

How's that?

Yes. That's exactly how horrible it would be.
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