alien & sedition.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
  Liveblogging the debate, part 28 2/3

The Shiavo question: should Congress have gotten involved? Romney says no, but it was okay for Jeb to do it. McCain says "we should've taken more time." But that doesn't answer the question, unless he means they should've waited for Frist to do another video diagnosis.

Giuliani says "that's what courts are for." His best answer tonight.

Now it's time for Democrat-bashing. Specifically, Hillary-bashing. Tweety's making sure everyobody gets his turn to get a lick in. It seems to invigorate them.

Peter Robinson wonders what the hell's wrong with Giuliani:
John, you're the most astute Rudy observer that I know, so a question: Tonight Rudy hasn't proven memorable, funny, or even—his usual strength—compelling. He's phoning it in. Is he really even running? Or do you sense that he's still at some level undecided?
John Podhoretz promises to answer tomorrow in the NY Post.

On the Bush question: Romney won't criticize him. McCain says the war "was badly mismanaged" and says he would have "vetoed spending bill after spending bill" (sure, Senator). The minor contenders list a variety of minor differences. Giuliani seizes the opportunity to talk about 9/11. I'm thinking it's a little late for him. Ron Paul, once again, gives the most interesting answer, and does a very nice service by ending the debate with the words "habeas corpus."

And it's over. Stand by for spin...


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