Liveblogging the debate, 6
Another hour of this? Demoralizing.
Interesting: Did Tweety just McCain whether he was criticizing Rudy for screwing up the fire department's radios? McCain denies it. He launches into another pre-planned tough-guy rap, this time over government spending. I think he's trying to look strong, but the effect is more "Hey you kids get off my lawn!"
Rudy's being forced to confront the abortion question again. "I would support a woman's right to make a different choice." Matthews: "we'll have to kill you now." Oh, he's talking about the time limit.
Jonah G. on McCain -- this is pretty funny, actually:
McCain should hold his hand over an open flame — like G. Gordan Liddy — for the duration of each of his answers just to prove his steely resolve and his willingness to go to eleven in defense of America.
Tweety, referring to immigration, asks "anybody want to take a strong view? Senator McCain?"
Hell yeah, Senator McCain wants to take a strong view. He wants to kick your ass, commies.