Busy Writing Next Week's Material

This has been a light week at A&S, despite all the goings-on in the real world, and today's postings will have to be limited as well. We'll be back with a vengeance next week; meanwhile, here are a few things to keep you occupied:
The Third Estate reports on a smart next move for Democrats in the "partial-birth" abortion battle.
Undercover Blue's series on conservatives continues.
Progressive Historians features a debate on the right to bear arms in historical context - going back further than the American Constitution.
One of my favorite liberal writers, Harold Myerson, reflects on the patterns at work in the primary races:
"Democrats in conflict, Republicans in space."And if you haven't read it yet,
Phil Nugent has the final word on the Imus controversy. Yes, it's a great read even though you're sick of the whole thing already. (h/t
Crooked Timber).
Labels: meta, Other blogs